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Too Much Time To Kill — Tom Mackinnon

Classification: Espionage and spy thriller, Crime and mystery fiction

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Rating: 5.00 out of 5 (2 customer ratings)
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Guest Reviewer
Gripping from the start
Review date: 13th November 2024

This is a gripping first novel from Tom Mackinnon, fast paced and exciting. Looking forward to reading the rest of the series.

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Nick Jones
I could not stop reading it!
Review date: 31st January 2025

As a seasoned reader and writer of Crime Thrillers, I was looking forward to Tom MacK’s book. He is another lover of Lee Child and Forsyth. I started by getting a good sun lounger (in Lanzarote) and a cappuccino. I love to read books written by people with life experience in what they write about and have been to the places their characters use or abuse. Tom has spent more than half a lifetime in or advising the military or governments on how to deal with ‘issues.’ Most of which we don’t know about or want to know about.

My problem with the book started almost immediately. I could not stop reading it. Far too compelling, interesting and slick. Far too easy to get through. A story you want to keep reading with characters who you can believe in. It makes you wonder whether you know the people you are with and what they are doing. Could my wife be a spy and me not know? What you see is not what you get in the Secret Service or government. The baddies were well drawn, there were good baddies and bad baddies and they did what I would expect them to do and some of it was sad – no protection for any of the characters. Then there were the goodies who were believable but not all likeable. Indeed one recurring narrative was that none of the characters knew who one of the main characters was. Neither did we the readers other than he was having a difficult time all through the book.

It took me way under two days of sunbathing to read the nearly 400 pages, a record for me, I could have done it faster but my wife wanted some attention and I had to eat. I understand that there are more of these books in the making. It did say; To be continued…but who knows where or how, there are so many options available. I don’t know Tom but he may well be the kind of guy you have dinner with and get thrown out at the end of the evening because they want to close the restaurant. Suggest you get your copy and keep an eye out for when The Endlessbookcase publishes the next instalment of these characters.

Nick Jones, January 2025.

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Rating: 5.00 out of 5 (2 customer ratings)

Paperback eBook Hardback

ISBN: 9781914151989
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On a sunny morning in the English county of Shropshire, Callum Bremner is standing in a prison allotment waiting to be shot.

The opening gambit of a sophisticated operation to penetrate the highest echelon of the Albanian mafia, the stakes could not be higher – either for him personally or, given the huge political and reputational risks in play, his controllers.

In an ever-changing tapestry of competing interests, nothing can be taken at face value. Shifting alliances
and violence – where loyalty and trust are repeatedly questioned – failure invokes fearful retribution.

Convincingly living a lie comes at a cost and, as he learns, tests his values, beliefs and courage: a world in which wise men sleep with a sword in their hand.

A multiple-perspective international crime thriller set in the present day.

Further details

381 pages

Book One of the Callum Bremner International Crime Thriller Series

Rating: 5.00 out of 5 (2 customer ratings)
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Guest Reviewer
Gripping from the start
Review date: 13th November 2024

This is a gripping first novel from Tom Mackinnon, fast paced and exciting. Looking forward to reading the rest of the series.

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Nick Jones
I could not stop reading it!
Review date: 31st January 2025

As a seasoned reader and writer of Crime Thrillers, I was looking forward to Tom MacK’s book. He is another lover of Lee Child and Forsyth. I started by getting a good sun lounger (in Lanzarote) and a cappuccino. I love to read books written by people with life experience in what they write about and have been to the places their characters use or abuse. Tom has spent more than half a lifetime in or advising the military or governments on how to deal with ‘issues.’ Most of which we don’t know about or want to know about.

My problem with the book started almost immediately. I could not stop reading it. Far too compelling, interesting and slick. Far too easy to get through. A story you want to keep reading with characters who you can believe in. It makes you wonder whether you know the people you are with and what they are doing. Could my wife be a spy and me not know? What you see is not what you get in the Secret Service or government. The baddies were well drawn, there were good baddies and bad baddies and they did what I would expect them to do and some of it was sad – no protection for any of the characters. Then there were the goodies who were believable but not all likeable. Indeed one recurring narrative was that none of the characters knew who one of the main characters was. Neither did we the readers other than he was having a difficult time all through the book.

It took me way under two days of sunbathing to read the nearly 400 pages, a record for me, I could have done it faster but my wife wanted some attention and I had to eat. I understand that there are more of these books in the making. It did say; To be continued…but who knows where or how, there are so many options available. I don’t know Tom but he may well be the kind of guy you have dinner with and get thrown out at the end of the evening because they want to close the restaurant. Suggest you get your copy and keep an eye out for when The Endlessbookcase publishes the next instalment of these characters.

Nick Jones, January 2025.

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