Faced with redundancy during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, Paul Ryan sat down and calmly gathered his thoughts around his sense of purpose. His sense of purpose to ‘give back’.
Over the next few days he reflected on his career-long passion of giving back to others for the ‘greater good’. Giving back what he had read, learned, experienced and been trained in during a career spanning 35 years, from being a graduate engineer to being a Senior Leader.
Over those years Paul had accumulated a helpful working file of useful tips, hints and pointers that formed a sizeable catalogue of material. But how to continue the journey of giving back?
Whilst watching a news bulletin about the impact of COVID-19 on people and their jobs Paul had an epiphany, an awakening! He could use his knowledge and experience to give back to others, whatever industry they were in, to help them with their careers. And so the Pocket Rocket handbook was born.
This is the first book by Paul Ryan.