Nicholas Jones writes fictitious books about things that could be happening right now. The first book tells the sobering story of what may have happened in late 2019, to the business of investing in French fine wines.
My apprentice for writing started in the world of business when I graduated with a Business degree and started a career in the corporate world as an efficiency specialist working in companies like Burberrys, Currys and GSK. Such a beginning installed in me a sense that companies and people should avoid waste and make the best use of resources. Then I found technology and spent the next 25 years in the US and Europe implementing big systems for retailers. I must have worked for more than a hundred large companies, learned about the way they operated, the games they played and what we did to help them to win! The work allowed us to live in California, South Africa, Zurich and the South of France.
Old, expensive and tired, it was time to do something different, I needed a new me. So I lost 10 kilos got fit and set up my own business. At NGA Systems we mainly advise small companies on how to make more money, but also invest in the best of them, besides doing some lecturing for aspiring entrepreneurs and managers. What an interesting and frustrating enterprise that turned out to be.
Finally, in 2019 I went on a six-month writing course to convert me from a fact-based business person to a fiction writer. My clients would say it was inevitable given the number of stories I told them over the years. Now I can turn to the task of writing about businesses and imagining what could be going on inside them.
But it is not all work, I have had my fair share of holidays and more than my fair share of French red wine. Plus, I am a long time Saracens supporter, talk about highs and lows in sport! Not to forget the grandchildren of course!
When I am not writing, I learn new things by working with; 71 Design – Architectural services, The Romantic Tourist and Ellanstone Business Advisors. I live in Hertfordshire in the UK.