A little book full of positivity. When we have positive thoughts the more likely we are to speak with positive words, words of love, words of kindness, words of encouragement.
Staying positive on a daily basis can be beneficial, not only to our mind but to our body and spirit.
It is all about self-care, not just the physical, but also mentally.
This book includes 24 inspirational messages.
As a successful, mobile beauty therapist for many years in her home town of Hertfordshire in the UK, Jenny had a dramatic career change when diagnosed in 2009 with Multiple Sclerosis. After a number of challenging years with her health, Jenny is now an author. No one was more surprised about this than Jenny. Writing books was certainly not on her to-do list but has now become her passion. She has written several inspirational, uplifting books for adults and is now concentrating on children’s books writing a series of magical story colouring books.
We all know how important it is for children to read but how do we entice our children to fall in love with books? Jenny says, ‘My intentions are to help as many children as I can to engage, no matter what their reading abilities are. By using their imagination and creativity, both through words or pictures, they learn to enjoy, and most importantly, to have fun, which is what I believe my books achieve.The main focus of my writing is positivity – I love writing things that make people smile.’
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