Gina Gardiner is an experienced leadership consultant and trainer, speaker, executive and life coach. She supports people at individual or organisational level to develop confidence, leadership and people skills – empowering them to see themselves as the solution. She is also a neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) master practitioner.
A serious skiing accident in 1983 meant she was forced to use a wheelchair, but, in her leadership role as head teacher of a large primary school, it was imperative that she looked at the bigger picture in order to overcome the significant challenges facing her. As a wheelchair user Gina was unable to access most of the classrooms. She had to change her perspective and develop ways to motivate and engage staff so that they were self-reliant and understood how to deliver excellence and take responsibility for their own performance.
Created out of necessity, her approach has proven that once we start to change how we think and how we see ourselves, we start to change our reality and that of those around us. Essentially, this is a huge gateway to maximising leadership potential as well as personal development. It’s also a good reason why, in her twenty years of leading it, the school was twice acknowledged as one of Ofsted’s best schools, was included on the honours list of Her Majesty’s Inspector (HMI) as one of England’s most successful schools, and achieved a string of quality and kite marks.
The strategies developed at the school are now being used with great success to help a wide range of business and organisations.