Bindy Hall B.Sc is a graduate in the fields of psychology and counselling. An avid writer since a very young age- she began her writing career in crayon. Making and handing out homemade books bound in sticky tape to whoever was in her vicinity.
A prolific and repeat swearer, she describes herself as a mixture of sarcasm, hair and empathy, in equal measure. She is a mother of two and wife of one, and is happiest at home and writing.
She wrote- ‘Just Bee You’ in response to the eclectic mix of worries of people around her.
“My thing in life, is to try to help others see their worth. If I can encourage positivity, vanquish a worry or two and improve confidence for just one reader, then sitting up all night writing, heavily caffeinated, cross-legged on my landing- will have been worth it”.