The Endless Bookcase
Sharing Experiences and Expertise

About our Fiction


We believe that there are many excellent fiction writers who are unknown because of the way the conventional book market works. So we are trying to help them and their potential readers.

For commercial reasons, conventional publishers and bookstores are primarily interested in bestselling books and authors. Until authors become known they can find it hard to get their books published and put onto bookshop shelves, or even show up online.

What we do is publish good works, sometimes in niche genres, and make them available through multiple channels including this website.

So do take a look at what’s on offer and see if you can find a work of interest to you.

We have a wide variety of novels ranging from cosy crime, through psychological themes to historical fantasy.
We also have a rich variety of children’s books, many of which are beautifully illustrated.

Just click on the fiction tab on the menu to see the complete list.