The Endless Bookcase
Sharing Experiences and Expertise

Paper books

Most of our titles are available as paperbacks or hardback editions as well as being available as eBooks. Some readers like to have an eBook edition when travelling and a paper edition when at home. We are gradually introducing “bundled offers” with a special price if you buy an eBook edition and paper book edition together.

It was as long ago as the first quarter of 2011 that various official bodies announced that the numbers of worldwide sales of e-books had exceeded paper book sales. The gap widened and still exists but there has been a bit of a comeback for paper books. That was helped by a growth in paper colouring books. We believe that there will always be a demand for books on paper, especially quality works of non-fiction, but maybe the days of the “pulp fiction” novels are numbered? Paper decays over time but a digital e-book can last – for ever!

The full list of paper books

by Hazel Theocharous. A handy book which any small business owner can use to find the answers to common business system and marketing questions.
Price: £14.99
by Gail Hugman. Hardback: 100 things to teach your child before they're 10 years old, with suggestions on how!
Price: £19.95
by Gail Hugman. Hardback: 100 things to teach your child before they're 10 years old, with suggestions on how!
Price: £9.95
by Sue Wybrow. Check out tons of amazing tips on how to get massive exposure for your dance classes, parties and workshops.
Price: £14.95
by Amanda M Arnold. Full of twists, this romantic novel is perfect light reading that will keep you guessing.
Price: £6.99
by Jenny Ford. 40 short prayers to bring a sense of peace and comfort.
Price: £4.99
by Katie Gray. A compilation of eight individual short stories for a variety of audiences.
Price: £7.99
by Bob Little. A descriptive history of Pendley Manor in paperback. This book is also available as an eBook.
Price: £14.95
by Gail Hugman. A short book for parents to read through with their children which addresses children’s natural tendency to ask 'why'.
Price: £5.49
by Michael J Lansdown. An historic but mysteriously divided village attracts the attention of a newcomer starting a journey of discovery.
Price: £7.99
by Ann Farrant. A comprehensive and award-winning biography of Amelia Opie, poet and novelist (1769 -1853) - the first since 1937.
Price: £17.50
by Gabriella Guglielminotti Trivel. Paperback only available through Amazon (buy now button will redirect you). An exciting adventure of a woman's trip to Antarctica and the emotional and physical struggles faced.
Price: £10.00
by Gabriella Guglielminotti Trivel. Paperback only available through Amazon (buy now button will redirect you). An exciting adventure of a woman's trip to Antarctica and the emotional and physical struggles faced.
Price: £22.99
by Gabriella Guglielminotti Trivel. Paperback only available through Amazon (buy now button will redirect you). An exciting adventure of a woman's trip to Antarctica and the emotional and physical struggles faced.
Price: £22.99
A memoir of the author's experience of brain cancer THIS BOOK IS AVAILABLE FOR PRE-ORDER Publication date 26th March 2021 Pre-ordered paperback books are dispatched the day before publication. Pre-ordered eBooks are made available for download on the day of publication
Price: £11.95
by Charlotte Ralph. Book two in the Adventures of B! series.
Price: £5.99
by Kirsten Gibbs. Turn your business into an autonomous enterprise that runs without you...
Price: £13.95
by Gina Gardiner. “Winning formula” for creating your positive attitude. Includes a gripping autobiographical accounts and powerful advice.
Price: £9.95
by Gina Gardiner. The WINNING FORMULA FOR HAPPINESS AND SUCCESS. Includes a combination of gripping autobiographical accounts combined with powerful practical advice.
Price: £10.00
Cocktails at Noon (ebook)
Price: £3.49
by Katie Gray. The third in the 'Dead Series'. Pippsy and Jack move home and business only to be immediately approached by siblings who believe their mother is in grave danger.
Price: £7.99
by Katie Gray. The first book in the ‘Dead Series’. An enjoyable crime novel that is exciting throughout. A dead man is found and two PI's get caught up in the case.
Price: £9.95
by Katie Gray. A thrilling crime novel, the second in Katie Grays 'Dead Series'. The investigators are back, hunting down the missing wife of a rather unpleasant man.
Price: £7.99
by Katie Gray. Pippsy and Jack fall into a convoluted crime once Again. This is the fifth book in Katie Gray's 'Dead Series'.
Price: £12.45
by Katie Gray. Pippsy and Jack get involved in trouble again in spite of themselves. The forth book in the Dead Series.
Price: £7.99
by Amanda M Arnold This collection of stories are wide ranging and broad based tales on many subjects. Some visit foreign countries and some are set nearer to the authors home in East Anglia. There are quite a few murders and mysterious events as well as happier ones about a wedding and a barbecue.
Price: £5.99
Diamond Quarantine (paperback)
This book is a truthful, honest and fascinating account of being quarantined on the cruise ship Diamond Princess. It was the first cruise ship to be hit by Covid-19.
Price: £12.95
by Robert Little. A biography of Edgar Evans, the principal tenor at the Royal Opera (1946 – 1975) and, later, a teacher at the Royal College of Music.
Price: £12.50
by Penny Sophocleous. This book redresses the balance between the pursuit of money for shareholders versus the rewards to employees.
Price: £9.99
by Jennifer Claire Robson. A practical guide for small business owners who would like to export but are unsure how.
Price: £8.99
by David Yeasbley. Stay employable and relevant for the rest of your working life - enjoy feeling valued and fulfilled.
Price: £11.95
by Jenny Ford. Having never left her hometown, Gabriella had always dreamt of this moment, but she never could have imagined what was about to happen...
Price: £9.99
by Sara Shebear Gerald, a shy, introverted boy, had become separated from the rest of his family in Potterton Grange Enchanted Woodland. Wracked with worry that he might never see his family again and he might die in the wood all alone, his fears were dissolved after meeting a series of very magical trees and receiving a special gift from each of them.
Price: £4.99
by Gillian Huyton. A children’s story suitable for bedtime or daytime reading for children aged between about 3-8 years old.
Price: £4.99
by Jackie Jarvis. She writes about what many of us, living busy, fast paced lives feel, and what ‘The Voice of Slow’ has to say to you.
Price: £9.99
by Lesley Morrissey. The Manager's Guide to Building Effective People. The printed version is only available at Amazon.
Price: £6.99
by Louise Hampton, Do you have low back pain but are unsure how you could help yourself? Do you struggle to put your shoes and socks on? Has your back got worse over time? If you answered ‘yes’ to any of these questions, then this is the book for you. This book will empower you to: ▪ Understand back pain, from a physical point of view ▪ Find out how important your mental health is in aiding your recovery ▪ Recognise and avoid the everyday activities that aggravate your back ▪ Identify aspects of your life which could be contributing towards your back pain ▪ Use different products and try different exercises to help your low back ▪ Know how and when to seek further advice.
Price: £14.95
by Debbie Glinnan. “How to Employ Your First 20 People” is a practical, step-by-step guide to dealing with common employment issues.
Price: £6.95
by Annie Page. A practical guide with all you need to know to get you running with the least amount of equipment and fuss!
Price: £6.99
by Carl French. This booklet tells you all you need to know on how to write a successful how-to booklet on paper and electronically.
Price: £3.99
by Alex Redaelli Kenaton. The understanding of metaphysical and spiritual phenomena (Theosophy).
Price: £12.00
I Am Sound 2nd Edition (paperback)
Price: £12.00
by Jenny Ford. For ages 5-8. One day, as Joshua is reading one of his books, he drifts off into a day dream. What happens next comes as a surprise...
Price: £7.99
by Jenny Ford. For ages 5-8. Joshua just loves unicorns! He has unicorn books, unicorn toys, unicorn ornaments; he even dreams of unicorns! Then one day, as Joshua is reading one of his books, he drifts off into a day dream. What happens next surprises Joshua. He can’t believe his eyes when he finds one of the unicorns from his book standing at the foot of his bed; a beautiful unicorn called Poppy. Excited to tell his best friend Lucia, who also loves unicorns, they both use their imagination and go off on a magical adventure together. This story and colouring book has been created to capture the imagination of all young readers. They are encouraged to write their own story by using the blank and lined pages at the back of this book, whether it be with words or pictures, to bring out their creativity.
Price: £7.99
by Bindy Hall. A guide to surviving the best bits of life and holding your middle finger up to the rest!
Price: £8.99
by Gina Gardiner. Practical ideas and strategies to help you get the job you want by supporting the development of your leadership skills.
Price: £10.85
by Dr Andrew A Parsons & Dr Barbara Mariposa. Energise your staff to produce exceptional results with maximal clarity, alignment, and impact.
Price: £7.99
by Gina Gardiner. A complete guide on all you need to know about Celiac Disease. Gives advice on how to live well and eat well with celiac disease.
Price: £7.99
by Jenny Ford. Intuitively written messages to bring you a sense of peace, love and joy. They can be used for daily guidance.
Price: £5.99
by Matt Wash. Mrs Tripplehorn is a primary school teacher and the day has come for her to retire. Being her favourite teacher, she hands Mr Shaw a dusty little box as a goodbye gift. On the first day back after the summer holidays, Mr Shaw is desperately searching his desk for a paperclip and is relieved to find one in the dusty box. The reason Mrs Tripplehorn was so sure he would be grateful for this gift then becomes clear to Mr Shaw, as the school year ahead of him is packed full of twists and turns, surprises and a large sprinkling of magic. There is one huge problem though. The school bad boy, Billy Coles, overhears a conversation between Mrs Tripplehorn and Mr Shaw. She tells him to NEVER go into the bottom compartment of the box – EVER! Obviously, Billy decides that he must find out what she means…and that is when the trouble really does begin!
Price: £6.99
by Monica Black. Quick, easy and simple techniques to help you navigate through the stresses and strains of living in the 21st century.
Price: £8.99
by Jenny Ford. Inspirational messages to brighten your day.
Price: £4.99
by Stan Daneman. A spin off from Stan's previous novel 'The Solar Murder'.
Price: £9.95
by Stan Daneman. Both The Solar Murder and Phoenix Rising paperbacks.
Price: £14.99
by Geoff Cable and Gary Crouch. Learn by following easy step by step projects. No previous Photoshop experience required.
Price: £29.99
by Jenny Ford. Trapped in a world of nightmares and finding it difficult to let go and to forgive. Will Amy ever be free to move forward? Fictional novel.
Price: £8.99
Search for the Golden Piranha (paperback)
Price: £6.99
by David Hughes. A short guide on how to bulletproof your company with an effective shareholder agreement.
Price: £9.95
by Ann Farrant. The emotional effect of losing a sibling can result in severe trauma for a child. This book provides advice and guidance.
Price: £9.95
by Sara Shebear. Speedy was an ambitious mouse. She did not want to be stuck in her cage, with her dull sisters. She wanted to get out and see the world! Speedy’s boy was very upset when he found Speedy had escaped from her cage. He never lost hope that she would return to him. He tries to set up traps to catch her however she was too smart for that. As a final attempt to catch her, her boy put the cage down on the floor before he went out. Would she return to him? Would she be in the cage when he returned home?
Price: £4.99
by Charlotte Ralph. This book helps teach children things to know about the great outdoors. Beautiful watercolour illustrations throughout.
Price: £7.99
The Canvas Chapel (paperback)
by E Bryn Little. A war story with a difference.
Price: £14.99
by Frederick Freeman Most citizens are well aware that the world is run rather badly by those in power – the politicians – who are in many cases democratically elected. Time and time again democracy fails to protect the ordinary citizen and exhibits dangerous and damaging flaws. Yet, it is often held up as the model of how best to govern. This pamphlet presents facts and arguments that highlight exactly why democracy just isn’t very good and is no more than the best of a bad bunch of options. However, this pamphlet also contains hope. It expresses the belief that there is a vastly better way to run the world for those who take the trouble to look for ways to do it. It also outlines how that better alternative is practically achievable.
Price: £4.99
by Julie New. Help to understand that there really is some light at the end of the tunnel, and to help you on your journey towards it.
Price: £12.99
by Julie New. Help to understand that there really is some light at the end of the tunnel, and to help you on your journey towards it.
Price: £129.90
by Amanda M Arnold. An entertaining tale of the inhabitants of two rival villages. Perfect light reading with a fun, entertaining atmosphere.
Price: £7.99
by Sue Wybrow. Amazing and inspiring business journeys of real people in Hertfordshire, United Kingdom! Their struggles, what motivated them and how they kept on going and believed in their dreams.
Price: £11.95
by Adam Shaw. The Lunatic Gene gets you to question the meaning, motivations and happiness of your life.
Price: £10.00
by Shakti Kali Kaloczi. An evolution is beginning now! Women worldwide are throwing off the shackles of patriarchy and discovering new ways of being! This book will become your Goddess Bible - you will feel more powerful, more beautiful, more loved and more cherished than ever before. Shakti Kali Kaloczi has been on this journey of self-discovery for many years: the pain, emotional eating, drama, addictions, being widowed at 25, divorce, romance, disease, laughter and tears! This book is for YOU, your mothers, your grandmothers and your daughters! Any woman wanting to experience feeling like a Goddess and be more in touch with her true nature then this book is for you- because beauty happens the moment that you start to remember who you really are.
Price: £11.11
by SA Law. If you are contemplating divorce this book will explain the legal terminology, what it means, and the practical decisions that need to be made.
Price: £7.95
by Solomon Odegbune. A real-life story about Solomon who manages to untangle himself from the shackles of crime and embark upon a journey that would see him grow into the man he always wanted to be. If you grew up on a council estate you would know how difficult it could be to change one's mindset whilst engrossed in crime. The hope of this book is to help the reader understand that he/she does have the ability to change. All it takes is defining one's purpose and evoking sickening courage. Solomon's journey has been adventurous. A beginning that seemed predictable; infused with crime, drugs, tyranny and a tsunami of misfortune - presumably it appeared as if his life had already failed before it had begun... However, life so gracefully has an appetite for spontaneity and thus Solomon was led on a journey from Slime to Prime.
Price: £7.49
by Stan Daneman. An enjoyable crime novel about Greg Winters, an impressive lawyer, who plans to retire but is side tracked when a multi-millionaire is accused of murder.
Price: £8.99
by Nick Brown. This book helps you discover which questions to ask, the pitfalls to avoid, what to do and where to find practical help.
Price: £11.99
by Jenny Ford. For ages 5-8. Tilly is at her happiest when she is at the beach looking for shells and pebbles, until one day she meets a mermaid...
Price: £7.99
by Jenny Ford. For ages 5-8. Tilly is at her happiest when she is at the beach looking for shells and pebbles, until one day she meets a mermaid...
Price: £7.99
by Julie New. How many roles will you play today? Parent, boss, taxi, shoulder-to-cry-on, cook, and bottle washer? When did you last take time to nurture yourself?
Price: £12.99
by Neil Deuchar This book explores how we should review our priorities in the increasingly hectic and fast changing, yet ever smaller, world in which we live. It has been written with younger people at heart, those of us asking questions about our place in the world and how we might better live our lives in a manner that minimises stress and helps us to be valued by our peers by helping others to help themselves. The book provides insights into sources of harmony within our lives, that we can use to maintain our moral compass and improve our decision-making. "You, Who You Are, and Why You Matter" is promoted by The CareAbout Foundation.
Price: £5.49